Views of Trondheim

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Some views of the city in which I live and study approximately 9 months of the year. Population: approx. 150000, plus an additional 25000 students.

August, 2000
1: Nidaros Cathedral (Nidarosdomen), in the southern part of Trondheim's "downtown" district.
June, 2002
2: Northwards, from Byåsen towards Lade and more.
June, 2002
3: Same as #2, only closer. We see Elgeseter bridge and Nidaros Cathedral
August, 2000
From Tyholt Tower: City "boroughs" Tyholt, Rosenborg and Midtbyen, as seen from the top of the Tyholt Tower ("Tyholttårnet") on a not so clear day. I live right in the middle of this picture, in a building with a white roof.
August, 2000
Gløshaugen 1: NTNU Gløshaugen, as seen from Tyholt Tower.
August, 2000
Gløshaugen 2: The northern part of NTNU Gløshaugen, the part of the University where I am studying
June, 2002
Bakke Bru: I live in this area, near Bakke Bridge and Nedre Elvehavn
June, 2002
Munkholmen: Munkholmen, an old monastery in Trondheimsfjorden.

 © 2002 - John H. Embretsen


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