Getting in touch with me is A LOT easier than getting through this brick wall...

I can be reached by the following methods of communication:


Stab E-MAIL (1):
Stab SMS: [Send a short plain-text e-mail (no more than 160 characters at a time) to this address, and it will be sent directly to my cellphone. Whenever I don't have access to the Internet, this is how you can reach me by e-mail anyway]
Stab Phone/sms (mobile): (+47) 97061091
Stab Snail Mail: E-mail me or call me, and I'll tell you...
Stab ICQ: My UIN (ICQ #) is: 15317030
    My personal ICQ page is located at:


E-mail me, and I'll e-mail you back as soon as I can - it's as simple as that!

Take care, and thankz for visiting my homepage! :o)



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