Link Page

This is my own collection of links, i.e. places on the net that I have found interesting and/or useful. I have categorized them for your convenience, and I hope you'll find something you like. If you find any bad links, please report them to me by e-mail. Feel free to suggest new links to me as well. Norwegian only links are marked with a The Norwegian flag. [Jan 9 2001: This page will be updated in a while]
Ok, off you go! Stay cool...


Category: Fun! What the f*** is this?
Unwise Microwave Oven Experiments Have you ever heard or seen any of Christopher Schau's (from the norwegian radio show "XL") microwave experiments? Then you know what this is about. There are things here that he never even thought of! It seems pretty scientific too...
the Incredible Smurfalizer  Cool Swedish site, which "translates" web pages into smurf language.
Your future... Find out what'll happen to you in the future by entering a few essential details...
Bill's Best of Everything Do you wonder which beach has the best sand? Or who has the best homepage? Or what is the best underwater tooth cleaning? On this site, you can find the best of everything!
Tåkeposten nor Den berømte provoserende siden til en viss FrP-politiker. Se bl.a. Valgerd Svarstad Haugland og gode gamle Kjell Magne i nye omgivelser.

Category: Homepage What the f*** is this?
Red Rival Do you need some free web space for your homepage? RedRival is an excellent web host! The service is free, and you get ftp-access to all your 20 Megabytes. No ads/banners are required and zip-files are allowed.
FreeWebspace.Net This is a good search tool to find other providers of free web space that might suit your needs.
Webtutor Wanna learn some html, from the basics to tables, frames and forms? This html tutorial by Joe Barta is what I have used to learn most of what I needed to create hermie's Dungeon.
CGI For Me More than 10 CGI scripts to make your site come ALIVE! Counters, clocks and more.
The Free Site Lots of free stuff for you to use on your home page. Counters, tickers, web space, animated gifs for webmasters, +++. And this is just a fraction of the whole FreeSite.
Internet Tool Zone Quality provider of free counters, guestbooks and more.

Category: Internet... What the f*** is this?
Mirabilis ICQ If you're not already a user of this service, go here to get info, download ICQ, and to find new friends. Using ICQ, you'll be able to see when your friends are online (if they use ICQ too), and it suddenly gets a lot more easier to communicate.
Lies, Damn Lies & ICQ Messages Do you have ICQ, but you keep getting these URLs and messages that tell you to forward it to everyone on your list? Read this, and you'll discover the truth behind the majority of those annoying little things.
Yahoo! Mail Yahoo! Mail is one of the many free e-mail providers out there (Yahoo provides both POP3 and browser access). It has lots of features, and I definitely prefer Yahoo to Hotmail! (M$ sucks!)
Astalavista Search engine that finds cracks, hacks, serials and all that stuff...
MyBookmarks Neat site which gives you the opportunity to use your Netscape Navigator bookmarks or Internet Explorer favorites everywhere. It's also good for backup-purposes, and you can share your bookmarks with the whole world, if you want. FreeDrive gives you 20 MB at your own disposal. It's almost like an extra little hard drive (only much much slower), and it's reachable from every computer connected to the Internet.

Category: Entertainment What the f*** is this?
Entertainment Tonight Online Website of the famous us TV-show Entertainment Tonight. Get the latest news on celebreties here.
The Internet Movie Database The biggest movie database on the Internet (I think). Film buffs, check it out!
Videonett nor Norsk web-side som tar for seg utgivelser på det norske videomarkedet.
FADUF nor Foreningen Anti-Dub av Utenlandske filmer. Vi vet jo alle hvor irriterende dubbing kan være. Robin Williams er av en eller annen grunn ikke like morsom når han snakker norsk...
Seinfeld Kev's Corners. An interesting site about Seinfeld. Sounds, pics, and lots of links to other Seinfeld sites. In my opinion, Seinfeld was/is the funniest TV-show ever!
Frank Costanza dedication Page Georges father is a rather interesting dude... Here are some sound clips of Frank. Check it out, Seinfeld fans!
Metallica Home Page The official web site of the my favorite metal band, M E T A L L I C A ! A pretty good metallica website, run by a danish guy.
Metallica tabs Any guitar players out there? If you like playing Metallica songs on the guitar, check out this great tablature page. Songs from every album, and then some!
C-64 Miss the eighties and yer old Commodore 64? This page is full of info, including emulators (lets you play C64 games on your PC) and games. Nintendo and others are featured there too.
Home Theater Basics John Ariel's Home Theater basics site fills you in on the basics of home theater, a hobby of mine and thousands of others. nor Norsk side om hjemmekino. Tilknyttet Akers Mic.

Category: Friends What the f*** is this?
The following sites are mostly personal homepages of my friends and relatives (in random order ;-) ). Only a brief comment on each site will be given. If you have a site you feel should be mentioned here, let me know!
Bjarne's wEiRd wired world He may not like this, but here's "Gaerpe's" homepage (last updated: a couple of years ago...). I've been through a lot of tough maths and physics lessons with this guy.
Flisarussen 1999 nor Flisarussen isn't really a friend (haha), but Bjarne is the author of this page too. It's the "official" site of the Class of '99 at Åsnes Videregående Skole, where I was "russ". Lots of photos and stuff.
Cina She is a "Swedish American", and used to have the same last name as I do, although we're probably not related to each other. Her name is Carina (Embretsen) McKee, and she lives in Philadelphia, PA, in the USA. Carina has this business site too. Designs greetings for every occasion.
Ola's Cave My brother's homepage.  


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