Student life in Trondheim Photos

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A lot can happen during five years of studying at NTNU in Trondheim, and here's a taste of it!
(In chronological order. TBE = To Be Established)

17 August, 2000
Immatrikulering NTNU
Day One: The first day, all freshmen are gathered at Dragvoll for speeches, show and music, as a part of the immatriculation process.
30 September, 2000
Bathtub Show: People from my class (freshmen at NTNU) performing their contribution, at the "Bathtub-paddling contest" (Badekarpadling) in the middle of Trondheim City.
30 September, 2000
Bathtub Show 2: The "Komtek" team is clearly sponsored by Nokia...
30 September, 2000
Bathtub Show 3: Girls from the "Komtek" team charming the judges... (We still didn't win, though)
30 September, 2000
Bathtub Show 4: The Jury, to decide who wins, both "ShowKar" and "FartsKar" (translated: "ShowTub" and "SpeedTub")
30 September, 2000
Bathtub Race: When the show is over, the race is on in the river by Nidaros Cathedral
30 September, 2000
Bathtub Race 2: The teams are getting ready to fight with all they've got, to win the ShowKar Race across Nidelven and back...
30 September, 2000
Bathtub Race 3: ...whilst the "FartsKar" Race (get across the river as fast as possible in a "boat" with a bathtub) is on.
30 September, 2000
Bathtub Race 4: Now the "ShowKar" Race has started. Notice how the "Gaywatch" team is struggling to get in the water
30 September, 2000
Bathtub Race 5: Here they are... ready to fight
30 September, 2000
Bathtub Race 6: There are hardly any rules... Weapons are such as fire extinguishers, cow manure, rotten fish etc...
TBE, Fall of 2000
Soldering: This is me, soldering something in the "Electric Circuits" Lab.
TBE, Fall of 2000
Soldering 2: This is my Lab-partner, Peter Longva. At least as good as me with the solderiron
TBE, Fall of 2000
Electronics: This is the gear we used at the laboratory just mentioned, including the fabulous calculator Ti-89, an oscilloscope and a frequency generator.
TBE, 2000
Gran Turismo: In the largest auditorium at Gløshaugen, ex-radioman Rune Nilsson (in the middle) is leading a Gran Turismo computer game contest.
23 February, 2001 (?)
Briskeby: Lise Karlsnes and her band Briskeby at a concert at Studentersamfundet, Trondheim
23 February, 2001 (?)
Briskeby 2: More from Briskeby, a Norwegian band with a couple of quite good songs.
Primo September, 2001
Listingløp: This is what it looks like in the streets of Trondheim (a busy saturday) when a bunch of computer science students are trying to proove themselves worthy of an Abakus (a fraternity) membership. I did just that one year earlier.
TBE, Fall of 2001
DigTekLab: Peter, still my lab-partner, but in a different course: Digital Design and Computer Fundamentals. Here he's programming something in Assembly, I think
TBE, Fall of 2001
DigTekLab 2: The so-called GT-card we were using in six lab assignments during fall of 2001. (And Peter's right hand)
TBE, Fall of 2001
DigTekLab 3: This is Jan Asle Kroknes, hiding from the flash (coward)... Half of Petter Haver's face is visible too.
TBE, Fall of 2001
DigTekLab 4: Me and Peter, proud to have completed all the lab assignments.
TBE April, 2002
Stålhane: This is at a lecture in "Software Engineering" by Professor Tor Stålhane, in R1, Realfagsbygget at Gløshaugen.

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