Summer 2001 - Me on a horse!

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August 2001. Ingvild, a good friend of mine (who I first met a year earlier) from Skien, "persuaded" me to come with her to one of her favourite places: Hjerkinn (mid-norway). Ingvild is very good with horses, and I joined her on a one-day riding trip from Beitrusten Fjellgard in Folldal, with a few other people we didn't know. My first time on a horse ever! (except a for some theme park horse many many years back...) But it went rather well, even in the end, the horses were gallopping, and lost all the control I thought I had. I was clinging on to my horse using all the muscels in my body (pretty scary for an unexperienced guy like me...). It was a really interesting experience!

7 August, 2001
Going up: Up the mountain we go, after a rather long wait for the others. I'm not exactly controlling the horse that much - I just hang on as best I can...
7 August, 2001
Spectacular: This is a nice view, don't you think? The Rondane mountains in the background, and a beautiful girl (Ingvild) to the right...
7 August, 2001
Lunchtime: It's time for a rest, and here's Ingvild, myself and a horse enjoying lunch.
7 August, 2001
Proof: This is proof, that I've really ridden a horse on my own. I can hardly believe it myself...
7 August, 2001
Valley: This is a photo of the valley through which we gallopped to the final destination that day, somewhere in Hedmark...
7 August, 2001
The riders: Most of (but not all) the people who rode with us. I don't remember all the names, but we have Ingvild with the white-ish sweater, our guide Torleif to the far right, and Jorun Marie sitting right in front of him. Ingvild and I then left the others, who would be riding for four more days. Although it had been fun, I was kindof glad to be back on my own two feet again...
7 August, 2001
Rainbow-horses: The horses have done their work for today, and are eating some grass while the rainbow is showing in the background

 © 2002 - John H. Embretsen


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