Miscellaneous Photos - June 2000 and earlier

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These are my none-high school and none-army pictures, taken June 2000 or earlier.
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December 24, 1998
Me, X-mas98
X-mas in da house: Me at Christmas Eve, 1998.
December 24, 1998
X-mas cat
X-mas cat: Cats are my favorite animal, and this one came on his own to our house in May of 1998, and has stayed there ever since, except when he went away for a while and came back castrated, wearing a necklace with a bell. We still don't know who owns him, so we simply call him "Villkatta" (which means The Wild Cat). Here he is, lying in a stack of Christmas presents...
March 12, 1999
hermie 1999
Me again: It's me again, at the dinner table. No further comment needed.
Spring of 1999
Tassus: Here's our cat, Tassus. He is getting pretty old now, more than 16 years old, actually. But still defending his territory...
May 14, 1999
Tassus 2
Tassus 2: My cat, Tassus, once more.
December 31, 1999
Millennium: 5 minutes and 27 seconds left of the old Millennium. And yes - this is MY arm...
January 21, 2000
Bardufoss Tower
ATC Tower: This is me in the Air Traffic Control Tower at Bardufoss Airport, northern Norway.
January 21, 2000
Jet: Hey! Who's that guy in front of the jet engine!? (of a Boeing 737-400 at Bardufoss airport). Oh, it's me... ;)
March 26, 2000
Rudolph: That's me - on a reindeer sled (probably Santa's...), in Rovaniemi, Finland...
March 26, 2000
Santa's home: This is from Santa Claus Village, in Rovaniemi, Finland.
June 3, 2000
Tromsoe Havn
Tromsų harbor: A great view from Tromsų harbor, towards "Fjellheisen" and the mainland. Tromsų is a very nice city, indeed...
June 3, 2000
Living on the edge: Here I am, "floating" above the city of Tromsų... woo, what a great day!
June 17, 2000
North Cape
North Cape: This is me, in front of the globe at North Cape (Nordkapp, 71° 10' 21'' North), the northernmost mainland point of europe and Norway (uhm.. almost, at least). A really cold and windy place!
June 17, 2000
NOrt Cape cliff
North Cape 2: The North Cape cliff, from a distance (that was a hard walk in the cold wind...)

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