High School Photos

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I was in High School (Åsnes Videregående Skole) for three years; 1996-1999. Here are some glimpses from that period of my life, in chronological order...
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September 28, 1998
Everybody at St.Pauls
St.Paul's: Most of my English class gathered outside St.Paul's Cathedral, London. I'm the one in the red circle.
Copyright © Bjarne Mangnes.
September 29, 1998
London Dungeon: This photo is a must, don't you agree? (Given the title of my website). It's taken inside of London Dungeon, which I was visiting with a bunch of people from my English class. The place was quite interesting, indeed... Hell rewards the unrepentant...
September 30, 1998
John and Indy
John and Dr. Jones: A friend of mine took this picture while we were visiting Madame Tussaud's wax cabinet in London, England, September 1998. I was there with my English class in high school. Can you tell which one is Indy? ;-)
October 1, 1998
Imperial War Museum
Imperial War: If you are interested in war history, you should visit the Imperial War Museum in London. This photo shows lots of obsolete weapons and military vehicles in the main hall. I visited the place on the last day of my stay in London in '98. This is (for now) the last of my bragging-about-having-been-in-London-pictures. ;-)
May 7, 1999
John og Asgeir
Russ: If you're Norwegian, you should know what it means to be "russ". For those of you who don't know, I can tell you that it's what seniors at Norwegian high schools are called. The peak celebration period is in May (wearing red (or blue, or green, or black...) overalls and stuff), prior to graduation. This photo is of me, my friend Asgeir, and the van we (the two of us plus Marius (next photo)) leased for a few weeks - to have fun... :)
May 7, 1999
Redheads: These two happy fellows are Vegard (left) and Marius (right), sitting in the van I told you about earlier. The photo was taken during our stay in Lillehammer (attending a huge gathering for all the "russ"), the host city of the Winter Olympics in 1994.
May 8, 1999
Warlocks: "Warlocks", Norwegian hip-hoppers, during a concert at the earlier mentioned gathering in Lillehammer. Groovy music...
May 12, 1999
Eating Contest: Eating contest outside the high school (ÅVS) in Flisa, only minutes before we (the people in red) started attacking the other (younger) pupils with water cannons and trash cans filled with water (that too is a Norwegian tradition...).
May 17, 1999
Mandark: This is me in my red outfit ("russedress") as high school senior, on the Norwegian national day, 17th of May. (Hooray! Flag Hurra!) My nickname was Mandark, but I'm not really sure why. I have some theories though...

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