Miscellaneous Army Photos

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Here's a little bit of this, a little bit of that... But everything is still connected to my military service...
Click on the photos to see a larger version in a new browser window. All photos are taken November 1999 - June 2000.

Oppstilling Tropp3 KKP
This is my platoon (most of it, at least). Maybe not a perfect "oppstilling", but who cares...?
We did this a lot: Taping maps together. Here's Simonsen and Ulsberg.
My locker - neat and tidy...
MB i farta!
An MB 240 can be used as a boat too... ;)
Here I am, looking kinda scary... Well, it was a tough morning...
Crazy soldiers
A crazy gang, "washing" the barracks for Christmas... (censored by webmaster)
Two guys from my room, bedwrestling (or something...) (censored by webmaster)
Proud in TACCP
A proud gang inside the Command Post. [TG]
Total destruction
This is what is left after an avalanche... (Dividalen, Indre Troms, 2000) [TG]
"Fenrikløpet", June 2000. The Sergeants are trying to get a 2nd Lt. star through the course...
Sus og driv, nå!
Oh come on, get it up... It's not a star anymore, is it?
Krypene spyles
We can't have dirty officers running around, can we? ;)
Inside a C-130 Hercules, going back home for a while...
A bunch of people from my platoon gathered in Oslo.
NOR Og i forgrunnen ser vi menig Grønli, en liten linselus... hehe.
A closeup (too close?) of Urdahl, Augland and me, on the boat to Denmark (dimmeturen). A year in the Army is almost over... June 9th 2000.
Heggelia Sentrum
This is the center of Heggelia, Bardufoss. That's "Svingen Pub" to the right. Wanna go back, anyone? [TG]

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© John H. Embretsen 2001