The Early Days

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Here is a selection of photos from the first two months of my time in the Army ("boot camp"). We did not have much fun back then...
Click on the photos to see a larger version in a new browser window. All photos are taken August 1999 - October 1999.

NOR Her er et lite utvalg av bilder fra "rekrutten", dvs. den såkalte "tilvenningsperioden" i Heggelia, august - oktober 1999.
Klikk på bildene for større versjoner (vil dukke opp i et nytt vindu).

Day One
Day One - at Gardermoen Air Force Base, waiting...
Aug. 25 1999
At the Gate
Me, in front of the camp gate.
Oppstilling before
One of the first times we lined up with almost full gear - before...
Oppstilling after
...and after.
Some of the guys in my first room, cleaning the room in the morning... Not a grain of sand in sight!
This is private Sørensen, having fun washing the floor ;o)
Private Flatjord, digging his own grave - oh, sorry, it was just a trench ;o) [TG]
Relaxing, after an evening of trench-digging and a night full of action. [TG]
Harring (to the left) and Sørensen, guarding a "perfect" command post prior to Gen. Frisvold's visit, Oct. 8th.
This is me in front of a Leopard tank.
That's me (to the right) and private Skjelbred, back in our room after a truly exhausting Alarm excercise at 4.30 am. We were woken by Rammstein-music, how traumatic is that!?
This is how some of us (not including me) learned how to drive a BV-206. [TG]
No professional hair-dressers are needed in the Army... ;o)

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© John H. Embretsen 2001